Brigitte Steinschaden teaches at the Musikum Salzburg. Numerous concert tours to Japan, Mexico, USA and to many European countries were done together with her siblings Georg and Eva Steinschaden, as well as several appearances as a soloist and as a chamber musician. As a soloist she appeared together with the Salzburg youth orchestra, with the Leopold Mozart chamber orchestra, with the ensemble CIS, with the Capella Academica, with the Kammerphilharmonie Salzburg and with the Viennese Kammerorchester. She is also a member of the Chamber Soloists Salzburg. She studied with Bruno Steinschaden and with Jürgen Geise. She completed her studies as a concert violinist with Ruggiero Ricci with distinction. She won several first prizes at the competition "Jugend musiziert", and she was awarded with the Christa-Richter-Steiner-prize for outstanding successes. Additionally she attended master classes with Thomas and Helmut Zehetmair, Igor Oistrach and Valery Klimov.