Soloist and chamber musician, recitator. She has specialized in scenic and literary recitals which she compiles herself (on Clara and Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Frederyk Chopin, Vienna between the World Wars, Emperor Franz Joseph, a.o.). Concert tours in Europe, USA, Korea, Australia. Masterclasses in Europe, USA, Korea; international lecturer, guest professor and juror (e.g. Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, California, Boston, Seoul, a.o.). Innovative pedagogy on the basis of Stanislawski’s method acting to achieve an artistic and authentic interpretation, international publications and papers.
Teaching posts at the Vienna Music University, head of a Vienna Music School, talent class. Duos with her brother, the conductor Alfred Eschwé and the violinist Arkadij Winokurow. CD’s, radio and tv broadcasts. Degrees in piano, philosophy and English from Vienna University and Conservatory, acting studies with Lola Braxton. www.elisabeth-eschwe.com